My personal changelog.

Inspired on a post by Brian Lovin about keeping a personal changelog. I'll try to update this page whenever I change stuff on this site or have updates for other personal projects I'm working on..

December, 2023

    Got married

    Although the real wedding party is in May next year, we used the time in Belgium to officially get married and celebrate with family & friends.

    Christmas in Belgium

    Over the holidays we all went back to Belgium for 10 days to enjoy Christmas and New-year with family and friends.

November, 2023

    Sold the house

    We made the hard decision to sell the house. After we made the decision and a few rough weeks travelling back-fourth to clean, empty and prepare the house we sold it to a great couple that we know will carry on the good vibes.

Oktober, 2023

    Baking bread

    Lately I've been obsessed with making bread. My neighbour brought me a nice load of bread one day and told me about his baking skills. I was intrigued and decided to give it a go. More specifically I am using the 'country bread' technique (by Chad Robertson) described in what is been referred to as the bread bible.

September, 2023

    Getting married 💍

    I always said I never wanted to get married. Looking back I'm not sure about the exact reasons but I convinced myself, and everyone around me, that it would never happen. Since we moved to Spain I noticed I've been thinking about it more often.

    She said yes

    So I did what a man had to do. Got a nice ring and asked her in front of our kids. She said yes ❤️. It was everything I wanted it to be. So we're getting married somewhere in 2024.

August 21, 2023

    Added Changelog

    Added a page to the website to keep a track of the things I'm working on and whenever I'm changing things to the website. Backfilled the page with the entries I knew about. It's clear that I spend more time updating this blog than writing actual content.

August 19, 2023

    Upgrade to Next 13

    Took a few hours over the weekend to upgrade the blog from Next12 to Next13. Moved everything to AppRouter and got rid of a ton of old/unused/boilerplate code.

    Updated /uses and /about page

    Updated 2 items in the hardware list (Monitor and Mouse) and one in the software list. See if you can spot the change on /about

November 14, 2022

    RSS Feeds

    Implemented an RSS feed for the homepage and the category pages. Wrote a blog post

    Subscribe Form

    Hooked up the homepage subscribe form to the prezly/sdk to get contacts to appear in the CRM.

September 4, 2022

    New Blog Theme

    Purchased a TailwindUI licence and applied the layout of TailwindUI Spotlight theme on the blog.

July 26, 2022

    New Blog (on NextJS)

    Decided to resume blogging and set-up a new blog based on a Prezly newsroom. Read the blog post.